2 Jun 2020

Thursday 23 July 2020 �� 09.00 � 13.00
Chaired by Professor Sir William Wakeham &�supported by Institute of Physics
Employer engagement is key to the way both physics departments and careers & employability services create opportunities for students to develop transferable skills. However, this approach is predicated on students being �work mobile� with a high level of social capital and the awareness to �fit� their degree programme into the context of the world of work.
The current crisis will lead to new ways of working for universities and business and may lead to different opportunities. However, the key factors underpinning physics graduate outcomes remain largely influenced by students� access to �employability capital�, engagement with careers advice and their career decision-making ability.
Representatives from Office for Students, Graduate Prospects, Universities of Keele, Leeds and Sheffield and from AWE, BAE Systems, MeVitae and Ultra share their views on embedding employability skills, graduate recruitment and work mobility in the current environment.
This joint WRIPA & SEPnet webinar is for academics responsible for employability, heads of teaching and learning, industry representatives, careers and employability advisers and anyone with responsibility for developing physics students� employability skills.
The event is FREE to attend. Places are limited. To book a place, please click here: https://sepnet-wripa-workshop3.eventbrite.co.uk.